Quarterly Market Day

The 4th Sunday every three months is the Quarterly Market Day with the Barony meeting at Ainslie Hall. Keep an eye on the Baronial Facebook Group for announcements! The next event will be: The end of September – date TBA Additional dates in 2024 are: 24th of November Market – …

Arts and Sciences

In the SCA, we group all non-combat skills and knowledge under the very broad heading of ‘Arts & Sciences’ (commonly referred to as A&S). What does this mean? Armouring Blacksmithing Brewing Calligraphy Cheese making Cooking Costuming Dancing Embroidery Fletching Games Gardening Knitting Leatherwork Metalwork Painting Pottery Singing Spinning Theatre Weaving …

Armoured Combat

Also called ‘heavy fighting’, this is exactly what comes to mind when you think of a medieval knight. Our combatants wear a mixture of chain-mail, leather, and plate armour (according to strict armour standards) and wield non-metal weapons so that our fights can be completely un-choreographed, full speed, and full …

Renaissance Fencing

Those unsophisticated brutes clanking around in plate armour aren’t your style – you’d rather be Zorro, or Inigo Montoya! (Or maybe you want to do both!) With a broader range of techniques than you’ll find in Olympic-style fencing, our ‘Rapier’ experts wield sword, dagger, cane, and buckler in swift and …


Sword-fighting is all very well, but you’ve always fancied yourself more of a Robin Hood type. Well, you’ve come to the right place! Archery is popular in the SCA, and our Barony has some of the best. Our target archery has similar rules and equipment to many other groups, so …


Every week we have a class where we do the dances of 15th and 16th Century Europe, which we know about from Italian, French and English documents. We do a variety of dances to suit everyone from beginners to the experienced. We do some dances that are familiar to long …