What does it cost?

What does it cost?

As a participant of SCA activities in Politarchopolis it is recommended that you pay for SCA Australia membership (please find more info here.)
This is optional, however as you will incur additional insurance fees per session if you have not signed up as a member.

All users of the Politarchopolis hall in Ainslie are expected to pay their share of hall fees (more info below) and it is far cheaper to become an SCA member to reduce that cost dramatically.

Other activities may incur their own costs, but these vary from activity to activity. For more information about activities, please sign up to our email and/or Facebook groups. Or contact our Hospitaller (Recruitment Officer) at hospitaller@politarchopolis.lochac.sca.org.

Hall Fee payment structure

The following table is a breakdown of various available ways to help us pay the hall hire fees:

SCA Members (M)
insurance included

see minors below*
Non-Members (NM)
extra $10 for insurance
$5 for minors*
Single Session$6.00$15.00
Quarterly*$50.00Save after 4 visits by becoming a member!
Annual membership is $45 and includes insurance (save $10 every week).
Discounts at events and much less paperwork.
https://registry.sca.org.au/to join at any time.
Quarterly concession*$30.00
Annual concession*$120.00
  • *Concession applies to those who are: unemployed, pensioners and students.
  • *Minors free for under 18 if Members / $5 per session for under 18 Non-Members.
  • *Quarters are Jan to Mar / Apr to Jun / Jul to Sep / Oct to Dec. Starting part way through?, Pay what you think is fair.

Please note this is just our fee to help cover our cost of using the hall, SCA Australia membership is handled separately. For more information on SCA Australia membership please find more info here.

Why are these fees necessary? 

The Barony of Politarchopolis loses thousands of dollars every year on hiring the hall in Ainslie. This is normally recouped by the group’s annual signature event ‘Fields of Gold’. However, this makes the group extremely dependent on the financial success of this one event each year. This isn’t great practice, because it limits what we can do with the event, and leaves us financially vulnerable to cancellations. In these uncertain times, we would like to address this financial vulnerability before it leads to trouble. The hall houses our weekly meetups and serves as one of our main storage points for group gear that is used at events and loaned out to those who need it.

How do I pay? 

Payment methods:

  • Direct deposit: SCA Polit, BSB 032778, Account 469607, Ref: ‘Hall [your name]’
  • On site Square: Pay via card tap on Square unit (ask for assistance)

Have questions?  Need different arrangements?  Contact Reeve@politarchopolis.lochac.sca.org

Please also be aware that the Baroness has received a number of offers from members to discreetly assist those who might struggle with the hall fees during these tough times. If you think you may have any trouble please contact the Reeve and Baron and Baroness privately.