Politarchopolis Roll of Arms

Through their service and skill, members of the populace contribute to the Kingdom (Australia and NZ) and our local barony. We think it’s important to celebrate and record these contributions and achievements. More information about Kingdom awards can be found here. However, the Barony of Politarchopolis has its own awards that are given by Their Excellencies, the Baron and Baroness, during our events.

Click the big red button to view the new Roll of Arms that is searchable by name and award (still being updated – current to 2020 so far). Or scroll down to view complete lists, what they are awarded for, and images of what they look like, below the red button.

Order of the Cordon Rouge
Our highest award, given once a year to someone who has tied the barony together. The token is a red mascle knot on a white background in any medium. The previous recipient is charged with making the next one for the Baron/ess before a year has passed.

  • Free Citizen of Politarchopolis
    Given for exceptional, long term service to the Barony. They shall be exempt from any Baronial taxes that the Baronage may personally levy. They have the right to name the next litter of baby griffins born in the Barony and they shall receive a griffin’s feather so their arrows will always fly true, and a talon so their knife will always be sharp!
  • Fellowship of Grace
    Given once a year, by the Baroness, for exceptional grace, courtesy, and chivalry. The token is a sun in splendour in any medium.
  • Pensioners
    Awarded to Baronial Guards when they step down from their position (see Baronial Retinue). Once a year, traditionally at the St Valentines Feast, Pensioners shall received 12 peppercorns and a gold coin which may contain chocolate.
  • The Order of the Burley Griffin
    The Burley Griffin can be received multiple times for ongoing excellence. Given for excelling in…
    • Arts – a pewter burley griffin suspended from a green cord
    • Martial Combat – a pewter burley griffin suspended from a red cord
    • Service – a pewter burley griffin suspended from a white cord
  • The Virtues of Politarchopolis
    This tradition sees members of the Barony recognised as best representing one of the twelve Virtues. The red and white pennons they receive from the hands of the previous recipiente, are to be displayed at events where they are present, and were created by Baroness Anne de Tournaii. When the time comes, the Virtues nominate the next member of the Barony who best fulfills the role of their particular Virtue.
  • Baronial Champions
    Given to those who best represent the best in the following areas of endeavour – armoured combat, fencing, archery and the arts & sciences. The Baron and Baroness have the final choice based on who they feel best represents the ideals of courtesy, chivalry, entertainment and skill. It is not necessarily the winner of a set tournament.
  • Order of the Griffin’s Wing
    Given to people from other SCA groups who have given great service to the Barony. The token is a pewter griffin’s wing suspended from a cord of any colour. It can also be a white wing sewn onto a red pouch.
  • Order of the Griffin’s Egg
    Given to members under the age of sixteen for enthusiasm, politeness, skill, service, and many other fields of endeavour. The token is a pewter griffin’s egg cracking open to show a baby griffin being born.
  • Baronial Huntsman
    Given to exceptional combat archers. Upon accepting this award, the recipient’s device will be placed upon the Baronial Huntman’s banner, and the huntman’s horn shall be sounded at the announcement in court.
  • Cooks’ Favour
    Given to exceptional cooks. Historically this was a garter, created by Countess Mathilde, bearing the words ‘Eat, eat, you’re all too thin’. The recipient is charged with advising on the next cook to be awarded.
  • Baronial Cypher
    Given as a token of gratitude by the Baron and Baroness. The appearance of this token is at the whim of the current Baronage.

All these awards are given out by the Baron and Baroness at their discretion, but they decide who should get them based on recommendations from the populace. Awards are given out in court using the Book of Ceremonies. If you know of someone in our group is doing great things and you think they should be recognised for it, you can recommend them for an award by emailing the Baron and Baroness at politarchopolis@lochac.sca.org.

Order of the Cordon Rouge

Our highest award, given once a year to someone who has tied the barony together

  • Agvar Guyvanaspar (1 Jul 1995)
  • Brusi Anderson of the Shetlands (1 Jul 1995)
  • Charles of the Park (1 Jul 1995)
  • Francesca Cellini (1 Jul 1995)
  • Ysabeau Chanteuse (1 Jul 1995)
  • Kiriel du Papillon (1 Jul 1995)
  • Hugh the Little (5 Apr 1997)
  • Oonagh O’Neill (7 Mar 1998)
  • Diccon Shorthand (31 Jan 2004)
  • Stephen Aldred (31 Jan 2004)
  • Helouys le Poer (2012)
  • Liadan ingen Fheradaig (Feb 2013)
  • Gabriel van Dorne (Nov 2014)
  • Anne de Tournai (28 Nov 2015)
  • Ulric of Ambledune (Nov 2017)
  • Tatianitska Iaroslavna (Fields of Gold – Dec 2018)
  • Jon Huslangr (Fields of Gold – Dec 2019)
  • Aymer de Mannvers (Champions of the Gryphon – Dec 2020)
  • Isabella de Bordeaux (Fields of Gold X – Nov 2023)
  • Nicodemus Novello (Fields of Gold XI – 25 Nov 2023)

Free Citizen of Politarchopolis

Given for exceptional, long service to the barony

  • Owain van den Noorden (10 Sep 2000)
  • Kiriel du Papillon (2003?)
  • Oriel of the Gypsies (25 Jun 2005)
  • Rowan Perigrynne (16 Feb 2019)
  • Jon Huslangr (Fields of Gold – Dec 2019)
  • Ysabeau Chanteuse (Champions of the Gryphon – Dec 2020)
  • Isabella de Bordeaux (A Hunt – 29 May 2021)
  • Crispin Sexi (Fields of Gold X – Nov 2022)
  • Anne de Tournai (Fields of Gold XI – 26 Nov 2023)

Politarchopolis Fellowship of Grace

Given by the Baroness, once a year, for exceptional grace, courtesy, and chivalry

  • Oriel of the Gypsies (1 Jul 1995)
  • Kiriel du Papillon (1 Apr 1996)
  • Stephen Aldred (1 Apr 1996)
  • Llewellyn de Guerre (18 Oct 1997)
  • Crispin Sexi (14 Feb 1998)
  • Francois Henri Guyon (7 Nov 1999)
  • Heinrich Maximillian von Hesse (12 Feb 2005)
  • Owain Cantor ap Hughe (Feast of the Ferrets, 2005)
  • Catherine James of Glastonbury (given by Alessandro & Isobel 2009-2010?)
  • Ailis inghean Mheadhbha  (2012?)
  • Gabriel van Dorne (15 Feb 2014)
  • Gwen ferch David (10 Feb 2018)
  • Aymer de Manvers (Fields of Gold – Dec 2019)
  • Isabella de Bordeaux (Champions of the Gryphon – Dec 2020)
  • Lianor dos Cavalos (Fields of Gold X – Nov 2022)
  • Mathilde Adycote of Mynheniot (Fields of Gold XI – 25 Nov 2023)

Order of the Burley Griffin – Arts

Given for excellence in the fields of arts and sciences

  • Wolfgang von Auerbach (1 Jul 1995)
  • Bastien der Grosse (1 Aug 1995)
  • Romille de Mont Blanc (1 Mar 1996)
  • Drake Morgan (1 Apr 1996)
  • Oonagh O’Neill (3 Dec 1996)
  • Meliora de Curci (8 Mar 1997)
  • Alex the Potter (14 Jun 1997)
  • Hoskuld Atlason of Iceland (27 Sep 1997)
  • Joanna of the Beechwooods (7 Mar 1998)
  • Gertrud von Ritzebüttel (30 May 1998)
  • Rhiannon ferch Ivor (30 Jun 1998)
  • Llewellyn de Guerre (24 Apr 2000)
  • Sybille la Chatte (1 Jan 2002)
  • AElflaed of the Weald (31 Jan 2004)
  • Lorccan Ruadh (31 Jul 2004)
  • Ragnhildr Freysteinndottir (31 Jul 2004)
  • Ceara Shionnach (Alessandro and Isobel)
  • Alexandra Hartshorne (Privateers Feast, Alessandro and Isobel)
  • William de Perham
  • Leonie de Grey (Aonghus and Ginevra)
  • Gabriel van Dorne (30 Nov 2013)
  • Liadan ingen Fheradaig (15 Feb 2014)
  • Sveinn inn Kyri Grimsson (15 Feb 2014)
  • Amanda Martel (13 Sept 2014)
  • Monique de la Maison Rouge (29 Nov 2014)
  • Sofia van Dorne (20 Jun 2015)
  • Anushka Medvechka (15 Aug 2015)
  • Wintherus Alban (28 Nov 2015)
  • Mikhaila von Dhaun (28 May 2016)
  • Safiyya Fiore de Rabatta (28 May 2016)
  • Francois Henri Guyon (27 Nov 2016)
  • Giana d’Amore (7 Jan 2017)
  • Jehan of Okewaite (7 Jan 2017)
  • Isobel le Bretoun (5 Aug 2017)
  • Sigmund Spelmann (5 Aug 2017)
  • Lorccan Ruadh (17 Feb 2018)
  • Rhianna of Politarchopolis (18 Aug 2018)
  • Alys Dietsch (18 Aug 2018)
  • Joanna of the Beechwoods (18 Aug 2018)
  • Rowan Perigrynne (Fields of Gold – Dec 2018)
  • Joie Tigre d’Argentona (St. Valentines – Feb 2019)
  • Felicia ad Aquam (St. Valentines – Feb 2019)
  • Isabella de Bordeaux (St. Valentines – Feb 2020)
  • Owen van Norden (St. Valentines – Feb 2020)
  • Muirghein ni Ghrainne (Champions of the Gryphon – Dec 2020)
  • Isabella di Millefiora (Polit Uni – 2022)
  • Eilifr Lukasson (Polit Uni – 2022)
  • Yrsa of Okewaite (Fields of Gold X – Nov 2022)
  • Jadwiga z Katowice (Fields of Gold X – Nov 2022)
  • Ginevra Lucia di Namoraza (May Coronation – May 2023)
  • Conciata Felice de la Cita di Lucha (May Coronation – May 2023)
  • Ragi Gamlason (Fields of Gold XI – 25 Nov 2023)

Order of the Burley Griffin – Martial

Given for excellence in martial combat

  • Hugh the Little (1 Dec 1995)
  • Jon Dai (1 Mar 1996)
  • Brusi Anderson of the Shetlands (22 Jun 1996)
  • Simon McFaoilan (10 May 1997)
  • Brennin Halfhand (14 Jun 1997)
  • Mercurio l’Estranger (14 Jun 1997)
  • Kurgan the Untrained (14 Feb 1998)
  • Francois Henri Guyon (13 Feb 1999)
  • Edmund Ale-Conner (19 Feb 2000)
  • Little Brusi of Dragonvale (14 Oct 2001)
  • Adair McDermitt (31 Jan 2004)
  • Cornelius von Becke (31 Jan 2004)
  • Owain Cantor ap Hughe (Edmund and Leta)
  • Phillipe du Lac (25 Jun 2005)
  • Niall inn Orkneyski (29 May 2010)
  • Owain Cantor ap Hughe (Isobel and Alessandro)
  • Kitan Von Falkenburg  (Feb 2011)
  • Dameon Greybeard
  • Gabriel van Dorne (30 Nov 2013)
  • Owen of Torlyon (24 May 2014)
  • Aonghus mac Griogair mhic Raghnaill (29 Nov 2014)
  • Amanda Martel (28 May 2016)
  • Zanobia Adimari (28 May 2016)
  • Andreas Reinhardt (17 Sept 2016)
  • Gustav of Drachenschmiede (17 Sept 2016)
  • Lorccan Ruadh (7 Jan 2017)
  • Aliette le Lièvre (18 Aug 2018)
  • Joseph the Undecided (17 Nov 2018)
  • Engelin Teufel (Okewaite 10th Anniversary Sep 2019)
  • Owen of Torlyon (Fields of Gold Dec 2019)
  • Otto Sexburger (Fields of Gold Dec 2019)
  • Thorolfr Olfuss Brandsson (Fields of Gold Dec 2019)
  • Alfhildr of Ambledune (A Hunt 29 May 2021)
  • Rhianna verch y Koedwr (Polit Uni 2022)
  • Stephen Aldred (Baronial Armoured Combat Championship Aug 2023)
  • Clifford Ascheburner (Spring Hunt Oct 2023)

Order of the Burley Griffin – Service

Given for excellence in service

  • Selivia de l’Estoile (1 Jan 1995)
  • Aelfthrythe of Saxony (1 Jul 1995)
  • Francesca Cellini (1 Jul 1995)
  • Katryn of the Forest (1 Jul 1995)
  • Marijke van Leiden (1 Aug 1995)
  • Martin de Mont Blanc (1 Dec 1995)
  • Oriel of the Gypsies (1 Dec 1995)
  • Gareth of Greymarch (1 Mar 1996)
  • Sabine d’Antan (1 Mar 1996)
  • Ysabeau Chanteuse (22 Jun 1996)
  • Bess Haddon of York (3 Dec 1996)
  • Juliana Richelot (3 Dec 1996)
  • Katigern Goch (8 Mar 1997)
  • Oonagh O’Neill (8 Mar 1997)
  • Francois Henri Guyon (29 Mar 1997)
  • Kiriel du Papillon (14 Jun 1997)
  • Llewellyn of Strathclyde (16 Aug 1997)
  • Emily of Dover (30 Aug 1997)
  • Nicodemus Nouvello (30 Aug 1997)
  • Llewellyn de Guerre (27 Sep 1997)
  • Elena ate Weyhacche (18 Oct 1997)
  • Sigmund Spelmann (7 Mar 1998)
  • Alessandro di Fiorenzo (5 Sep 1998)
  • Meliora de Curci (13 Feb 1999)
  • Genevyeve des Champs (6 Mar 1999)
  • Drake Morgan (7 Nov 1999)
  • Cynric ap wyn (9 Sep 2000)
  • Diccon Shorthand (9 Sep 2000)
  • Lucrezia la Pann (9 Sep 2000)
  • Raymond of Tripoli (9 Sep 2000)
  • Gabrielle of the Marshes (1 Jun 2002)
  • Adair McDermitt (1 May 2003)
  • Crispin Sexi (1 Jul 2003)
  • Adeline of the Welsh (31 Jan 2004)
  • Alicia de Cheval Blanc (31 Jan 2004)
  • Catarina della Pieri (31 Jan 2004)
  • Edmund Ale-Conner (31 Jan 2004)
  • Heinrich Maximillian von Hesse (31 Jan 2004)
  • Joanna of the Beechwooods (31 Jan 2004)
  • Madeleine du Lac Agenais (31 Jan 2004)
  • Ysabella Vitale (31 Jan 2004)
  • Quataryna de Montpelher  (Edmund and Leta)
  • Rodrico Oscuro (6 Mar 2004)
  • Rodri Ysgolaig (20 Jun 2004)
  • Robbie de Bauch (25 Jun 2005)
  • Quataryna de Montpelher (Isobel and Alessandro)
  • Aeveril of Ambeldune (Isobel and Alessandro)
  • Ceara Shionnach (Isobel/Alessandro or Ginevra/Aonghus)
  • Mathilde Hastings (13 Nov 2010)
  • Sui Zo (13 Nov 2010)
  • Stephen Aldred (13 Nov 2010)
  • Adelle La Verrier  (13 Nov 2010)
  • Aeveril of Ambledune (Ginevra and Aonghus)
  • Helouys Le Poer (Apr 2011)
  • Sigmund Spellman (Apr 2011)
  • Ysambart Courtain (May 2011)
  • Alesia de Cheval Blanc (9 July 2011)
  • Amanda Martel (St Vitas 2011)
  • Ulric of Ambledune (18 Feb 2012)
  • Niall inn Orkneyski (18 Feb 2012)
  • Owen van Norden (May 2012)
  • Felicia ad Aquam (Nov 2012)
  • Francesca Cellini (Nov 2012)
  • Dameon Greybeard (11 May 2013)
  • Joan Sutton (28 Aug 2013)
  • Cornelius von Becke (Feb 2013)
  • Sophia van Dorne (2013)
  • Gabriel van Dorne (30 Nov 2013)
  • Anne de Tournais (15 Feb 2014)
  • Eberhard von Negerstein (15 Feb 2014)
  • Benjamin the Undecided (8 Mar 2014)
  • Merione French (8 Mar 2014)
  • Benjamin the Undecided (24 May 2014)
  • Aymer Mannvers (5 July 2014)
  • Semyon Drakovitch (16 August 2014)
  • Kitan von Falkenburg (29 Nov 2104)
  • Owain Cantor ap Hughe (29 Nov 2014)
  • Asny inn Draumspaki (29 Nov 2014)
  • Alexandra Hartshorne (29 Nov 2014)
  • Eberhard Neggerstein (29 Nov 2014)
  • Amelot d’Akeney (29 Nov 2014)
  • Elizabeth de Foxle (28th Feb 2015)
  • Ginevra Lucia di Namoraza (given by Crispin & Joan – Jun 2015)
  • Catherine of Glastonbury (Aug 2015)
  • Caitlin Dai (15 Aug 2015)
  • Helena the Innocent (24 Oct 2015)
  • Henry Radcliffe (24 Oct 2015)
  • Alex the Potter (28 Nov 2015)
  • Seger Boom (28 Nov 2015)
  • Conciata Delacita Dilvcha (28 May 2016)
  • Joie Tigre d’Argentona (28 May 2016)
  • William de Perham (17 Sept 2016)
  • Tatianitska Iaroslavna (26 Nov 2016)
  • Emelyn ffayrehome (26 Nov 2016)
  • Isabella Rose Gardiner (26 Nov 2016)
  • Amber de la Morte (27 Nov 2016)
  • Isabella de Bordeaux (5 Aug 2017)
  • Everard of Ambledune (Nov 2017)
  • Gwen ferch David (Nov 2017)
  • Jón húslangr (Nov 2017)
  • Jayne Hunter (17 March 2018)
  • Helayne Quintayne (25 May 2018)
  • Cristoval Gitano (18 Aug 2018)
  • Alys Dietsch (18 Aug 2018)
  • Lisette de Lyon (13 Oct 2018)
  • Adel’har Halfsen (13 Oct 2018)
  • Rowan Perigrynne (Fields of Gold – Dec 2018)
  • Aliette le Lièvre (Fields of Gold – Dec 2018)
  • Johann Rieniets (Fields of Gold – Dec 2018)
  • Havelock Outlawe (Quarter Day – March 2019)
  • Wazo of Ambledune upon Skye (Rowany Festival – April 2019)
  • Mistress Monique de la Maison Rouge (Okewaite Quarter Day – July 2019)
  • Lady Jadwiga ze Katowice (Okewaite Quarter Day – July 2019)
  • Lady Margaret McDonald (Okewaite Quarter Day – July 2019)
  • Aymer de Mannvers (St. Vitas – August 2019)
  • Engelin Teufel (Okewaite 10th Anniversary – Sep 2019)
  • Lisette de Lyon (Fields of Gold – Dec 2019)
  • Halla Hrafnsdottir (Fields of Gold – Dec 2019)
  • Catalyn Gardonyi (Fields of Gold – Dec 2019)
  • Thorolfr Olfuss Brandsson (Fields of Gold – Dec 2019)
  • Jadwiga ze Katowice (25th Anniversary – Aug 2020)
  • Elizabeth de Foxle (25th Anniversary – Aug 2020)
  • Ragi Gamlasson (25th Anniversary – Aug 2020)
  • Muirghein ni Ghrainne (Champions of the Gryphon – Dec 2020)
  • Aonghus MacGreigor (Champions of the Gryphon – Dec 2020)
  • Vidarr Halftroll (Champions of the Gryphon – Dec 2020)
  • Clifford Ascheburner (Polit Uni – 2022)
  • Isabella de Millefiora (Polit Uni – 2022)
  • Ígulfríðr Magnúsdóttir (Fields of Gold X – Nov 2022)
  • Septimus Finito (Fields of Gold X – Nov 2022)
  • Magdalena af Husum (Fields of Gold X – Nov 2022)
  • Giovannino da Vidor (May Coronation – May 2023)
  • Torcaill mac Léoid mhic Íomhair (May Coronation – May 2023)
  • Alys Dietsch (Spring Hunt Oct 2023)
  • Owain Cantor ap Hughe (Spring Hunt Oct 2023)
  • Semeon Aleksandrovich Dragon (Fields of Gold XI – 26 Nov 2023)

The Virtues of Politarchopolis – Fields of Gold (2018 – 2023)

Nominated by the previous holder to those who best represent the twelve Virtues of Politarchopolis

  • Courage – Yrsa of Okewaite (2018), Monique de la Maison Rouge (2022), Ellie Annasdottir (2023)
  • Temperance – Felicia ad Aquam (2018), Mathilde Hastyngs (2022), Ragnhildr Freysteinndottir (2023)
  • Liberality – Gwen verch David (2018), Francois Guyon (2022), Conciata Felice de la Cita di Lucha (2023)
  • Magnificence – Halla Vinagjafar Hrafnsdottir (2018), Owen van Norden (2022), Anne de Tournai (2023)
  • Magnanimity – Joie Tigre d’Argentona (2018), Isabella de Bordeaux (2022), Mathilde Adycote of Mynheniot (2023)
  • Honour – Aonghus mac Griogair mhic Raghnaill (2018), Owen of Torlyon (2022), Llewelyn de Guerre (2023)
  • Good Temper – Aliette Le Livre (2018), Owen of Torlyon (2022), Isabel Claworth (2023)
  • Conviviality – Lianor dos Cavalos (2018), Ragi Gamlason (2022), Septimus Finito (2023)
  • Truthfulness – Engelin Teufel (2018), Sofia di Namoraza (2022), Isabella de Millefiora (2023)
  • Wit – Nicodemus Novello (2018), Jadwiga z Katowic (2022), Amanda Martel (2023)
  • Friendship – Isabel Claworth (2018), Vidarr Halftroll (2022), Isabella Semeonova (2023)
  • Justice – Aymer de Mannvers (2018), Ysabeau Chanteuse (2022), Elizabeth de Foxle (2023)

Baronial Champions (seeking earlier recipients – email bandb@politarchopolis.lochac.sca.org)

  • Armoured Combat – Alesia au Cheval Blanc (2022), ThorolfR olfuss Brandsson (2023)
  • Fencing – Aliette Le Livre (2022), Rosa Frye (2023)
  • Archery – Ulric of Ambledune (2012), Mevanwy verch Ulric (2013), Leticia Gardner (2014), Sigmund Spelmann (2015), Wintherus Alban of Oxley (2016), Havelock Outlawe (2017), Ulric of Ambledune (2018), Heinrich Schreiber (2019), Alfhildr of Ambeldune (2020), Cat of Dismal Fogs (2021), Ulric of Ambledune (2022), Alis de la Bro (2023)
  • Arts and Sciences – Liadan ingen Fheradaig (2013), Alexandra Hartshorne (2014), Monique de la Maison Rouge (2015), Tatianitsa Iaroslavna (2017)
    Gwen verch David (2018), Yrsa in Harfagra (2020), Yda Plant (2022), Muirghein ni Ghrainne (2023)

Pensioner – Sergeant of the Guard

Given to Baronial Guards when they step down from their position

  • Alex the Potter (13 Feb 1999)
  • Brennin Halfhand (13 Feb 1999)
  • Heinrich Maximillian von Hesse (13 Feb 1999)
  • Katigern Goch (13 Feb 1999)
  • Duncan McAlpin Shieldsbane (31 Jan 2004)
  • Aelthrythe of Saxony (2005)
  • Crispin Sexi (2006)
  • Gabrielle Hastyngs of the Marshes (c2010)
  • Douglas of the Coast (Fields of Gold III – 30 Nov 2013)
  • Alesia du Cheval Blanc (2014)
  • Ysambart Courtin (Aug 2015)
  • Daniel de la Guerre (4 Mar 2017)
  • Clifford Asheburner (Fields of Gold – Dec 2019)
  • Semeon Aleksandrovich Dragon (Baronial Changeover – Mar 2023)


  • Alasdair MacGillethain of Duart (13 Feb 1999)
  • Duncan McAlpin Shieldsbane (13 Feb 1999)
  • Rachel du Bois (13 Feb 1999)
  • Rohais Ireton of Attenborough (13 Feb 1999)
  • Roland de Navarre (13 Feb 1999)
  • Sebastian Penn (13 Feb 1999)
  • Rachelle de Cellini (6 Mar 1999)
  • Joanna of the Beechwooods (9 Sep 2000)
  • Gabrielle Hastyngs of the Marshes (c2000-2004)
  • Isabel de Breton (31 Jan 2004)
  • Robbie de Bauch (31 Jan 2004)
  • Rodri Ysgolaig (12 Feb 2005)
  • Liadan ingen Fheradaig (2009?)
  • Aonghus Mac Greigor (2009?)
  • Ulric of Ambledune (30 Oct 2010)
  • Paiden MacLorkan (2010?)
  • Ben the Undecided (2013)
  • Robin of Ambledune (29 Nov 2014)
  • Conciata Delacita Dilvcha (29 Nov 2014)
  • Owen of Torlyon (29 Nov 2015)
  • Helena the Innocent (29 Nov 2015)
  • Yda Redvers (28 May 2017)
  • Gustav of Drachenschmiede (28 May 2017)
  • Aliette le Livre (Fields of Gold IX Dec 2019)
  • Sven Svensson (Baronial Changeover 3 Mar 2023)
  • Rosa Askell (Baronial Changeover 3 Mar 2023)
  • Vidarr Halftroll (6 March 2023)
  • Aymer de Mannvers (6 March 2023)

Order of the Griffin’s Wing

Given to people from other SCA groups who have given great service to the barony

  • Cristoval Gitano (1 Jul 1995)
  • Hrolf Herjolfsson (1 Jul 1995)
  • Madelaine de Bourgogne (1 Jul 1995)
  • Ingerith Ryczka (2 Jul 1995)
  • Brigid of Achille (11 Jan 1997)
  • Phillipa Ginevra Francesca di Lucignano (11 Jan 1997)
  • (Don Rust) (16 Aug 1997)
  • Adelbert von Strassburg (6 Jun 1998)
  • Dave the Wandering Bear (13 Feb 1999)
  • Marion de Paxford (13 Feb 1999)
  • Caia of St. Augustine’s (7 Nov 1999)
  • Constance von Rothenburg (7 Nov 1999)
  • Eleanor of Caithness (7 Nov 1999)
  • Evelynne van der Haagen (7 Nov 1999)
  • Guy le Bastarde (7 Nov 1999)
  • Rory of the Black Thistle (7 Nov 1999)
  • Joram Goldspoons (31 Jan 2004)
  • The Barony of Rowany (31 Jan 2004)
  • Sveinn inn Kyrri Grimsson (Casual War 2007)
  • Catherine Redewell (30 October 2010)
  • Cote and Cutler  (May 2011)
  • Karl van Ander (May 2012)
  • Juliana de Northwood (Winter A&S Collegium 17 Aug 2013 – Aonghus and Ginevra)
  • Tariq ibn Jelal (Winter A&S Collegium 17 Aug 2013 – Aonghus and Ginevra)
  • Paul de Ville (13 Sept 2014)
  • Alliette Delacourt (13 Sept 2014)
  • Mari Alexander (29 Nov 2014)
  • Gomez de Crecy (28 May 2017 – also previously awarded by Alessandro and Isobel)
  • Lindoret of Bryn Myrddin (28 May 2017 – also previously awarded by Alessandro and Isobel)
  • Aleinya Thrakeses (28 May 2016)
  • Katharina Weyssin von Regenspork (24 Sept 2016)
  • Jochen Schwalbe (Fields of Gold – Dec 2018)
  • Astride in Valsgarde (Fields of Gold – Dec 2018)
  • Paul de la Ville (St. Vitas – August 2019)
  • Mortimer the undecided (Fields of Gold – Dec 2018)
  • Jochen Schwalbe (A Hunt – 29 May 2021)
  • Casa de Fiore (Fields of Gold X – Nov 2022)
  • Katrijn van Delden (Radburne War – Aug 2023)
  • Terence of Radburne (Radburne War – Aug 2023)
  • James Douglas (Travelling Tournament – Strathcorbie – Aug 2023)
  • Mathilde de Lilburne (Travelling Tournament – Strathcorbie – Aug 2023)
  • Juliana de Northwood (Fields of Gold XI – 26 Nov 2023)

Order of the Griffin’s Egg

Given to members under the age of sixteen for enthusiasm,
politeness, skill, service, and many other fields of endeavour

  • Amberley Mirkovic (1 Jul 1995)
  • Michael Strongarm (7 Dec 1996)
  • Simon of the Amazing Appearances (7 Dec 1996)
  • Cameron MacSetna (10 Sep 2000)
  • Eleanor Chanteuse (10 Sep 2000)
  • Bronwyn Rose (25 Jun 2005)
  • Robin of Ambledune (30 Oct 2010)
  • Myfanwy of Ambledune (30 Oct 2010)
  • Isabella ni Paiden (Nov 2012)
  • Miro (28 Nov 2015)
  • Elizabeth Sexi (28 Nov 2015)
  • Aidan (28 May 2016)
  • Sophia (Fields of Gold VIII Dec 2018)
  • Orion (Fields of Gold VIII Dec 2018)
  • Isobel Oliver (May Coronation May 2023)
  • Eleanor of Politarchopolis (Baronial Armoured Combat Championship Aug 2023)
  • Evelyn D’Aruer (Baronial Armoured Combat Championship Aug 2023)
  • Annabeth Gamlasonsdottir de Foxle (Fields of Gold XI – 25 Nov 2023)
  • Dmitri of Politarchopolis (Fields of Gold XI – 26 Nov 2023)
  • Marcus the Archer (Fields of Gold XI – 26 Nov 2023)


Given to exceptional combat archers

  • Alessandro di Fiorenzo (1 Jul 1995)
  • Mark Attignon (1 Jul 1995)
  • Mercurio l’Estranger (1 Jul 1995)
  • Little Brusi of Dragonvale (21 Dec 1996)
  • Alex the Potter (18 Oct 1997)
  • Sabine d’Antan (13 Apr 2000)
  • Sigmund Spelmann (13 Apr 2000)
  • Cynric ap wyn (1 Feb 2004)
  • Ulric of Ambledune
  • Isabella Vitale
  • Myffanwy of Ambledune (Feb 2015)
  • Robin of Ambledune (Feb 2015)
  • Havelock Outlawe (Aug 2015)
  • Wazo of Ambledune upon Skye (Fields of Gold VIII – Dec 2018)
  • Heinrich Schreiber (Fields of Gold IX – Dec 2019)
  • Mabel Pine (May Coronation – May 2023)

The Cooks’ Favour

Given to exceptional cooks

  • Francesca Cellini (30 Nov 2013)
  • Anne de Tournais (Aug 2014)
  • Gertrude von Ritzenbuttel (Nov 2017)
  • Natal’ia Vladimirova doch’ (Fields of Gold – Dec 2018)
  • Kiriel du Papillon (Fields of Gold XI – 25 Nov 2023)

Baronial Cypher – Stephen and Mathilde

Given as a token of gratitude by the Baron and Baroness

  • Bess Haddon of York (9 Sep 2000)
  • Brusi Anderson of the Shetlands (9 Sep 2000)
  • Diccon Shorthand (9 Sep 2000)
  • Hugh the Little (9 Sep 2000)
  • Juliana Richelot (9 Sep 2000)
  • Kiriel du Papillon (9 Sep 2000)
  • Llewellyn de Guerre (9 Sep 2000)
  • Monique de la Maison Rouge (9 Sep 2000)
  • Oriel of the Gypsies (9 Sep 2000)
  • Rufus Adycote (9 Sep 2000)

Baronial Cypher – Francois and Aelfthrythe (now Gertrude)

  • Alex de Vos (31 Jan 2004)
  • Diego Alvarez (31 Jan 2004)
  • Francesca Cellini (31 Jan 2004)
  • Heinrich Maximillian von Hesse (31 Jan 2004)
  • Karl Faustus von Aachen (31 Jan 2004)
  • Leonie de Grey (31 Jan 2004)
  • Nicholas de Villiers (31 Jan 2004)
  • Oonagh O’Neill (31 Jan 2004)
  • Oriel of the Gypsies (31 Jan 2004)
  • Pridery the Vain (31 Jan 2004)
  • Robbie de Bauch (31 Jan 2004)
  • Sybille la Chatte (31 Jan 2004)
  • Ysabella Vitale (31 Jan 2004)

Baronial Cypher – Edmund and Leta

  • Isabella Vitale (2 Sept 2006)
  • Alexandra Hartshorne (2 Sept 2006)

Personal cyphers were given by Edmund and Leta during their reign.

Baronial Cypher – Isobel and Alessandro

  • Ceara Shionnach (30 Oct 2010)
  • Alexandra Hartshorne (30 Oct 2010)
  • Helouys le Poer (30 Oct 2010)

Baronial Cypher – Aonghus and Ginevra

  • Joan Sutton (Fields of Gold III – 30 Nov 2013)
  • Ceara Shionnach (Fields of Gold III – 30 Nov 2013)
  • Paiden MacLorkan (Fields of Gold III – 30 Nov 2013)
  • Isabella ni Paiden (Fields of Gold III – 30 Nov 2013)
  • Gabriel van Dorne (Fields of Gold III – 30 Nov 2013)
  • Zanobia Adimari (Fields of Gold III – 30 Nov 2013)
  • Ysmae Whytewood of Blackwood (Fields of Gold III – 30 Nov 2013)
  • Ulric of Ambledune (Fields of Gold III – 30 Nov 2013)
  • Owain Cantor ap Hughe (Fields of Gold III – 30 Nov 2013)
  • Francesca Cellini (Fields of Gold III – 30 Nov 2013)
  • Sigmund Spelmann (Fields of Gold III – 30 Nov 2013)
  • Amanda Martel (Fields of Gold III – 30 Nov 2013)
  • Douglas of the Coast (Fields of Gold III – 30 Nov 2013)
  • Clement Valentin der Spieler (Fields of Gold III – 30 Nov 2013)
  • Eberhard Negerstein (Fields of Gold III – 30 Nov 2013)
  • Stephen Aldred (Fields of Gold III – 30 Nov 2013)
  • Mathilde Adycote (Fields of Gold III – 30 Nov 2013)

Baronial Cypher – Crispin and Joan (2013 – 2018)

  • Safiyya Fiore de Rabatta (Fields of Gold VIII – 1 Dec 2018)
  • Conciata Delacita Dilvcha (Fields of Gold VIII – 1 Dec 2018)
  • Bella Rose (Fields of Gold VIII – 1 Dec 2018)
  • Ulric of Ambledune (Fields of Gold VIII – 1 Dec 2018)
  • Rowan Peregrynne (Fields of Gold VIII – 1 Dec 2018)
  • Jehan of Okewaite (Fields of Gold VIII – 1 Dec 2018)
  • Otto Sexburger (Fields of Gold VIII – 1 Dec 2018)
  • Rhianna verch y Koedwr (Fields of Gold VIII – 1 Dec 2018)
  • Monique de la Maison Rouge (Fields of Gold VIII – 1 Dec 2018)
  • Owain Cantor ap Hugh (Fields of Gold VIII – 1 Dec 2018)
  • Helouys le Poer (Fields of Gold VIII – 1 Dec 2018)

Baronial Cypher – Anne de Tournai

  • Aymer Mannvers (Polit Uni Online 28 June 2020)
  • Jadwiga ze Katowice (Polit Uni Online 28 June 2020)
  • Joie Tigre d’Argentona (Polit Uni Online 28 June 2020)
  • Monique de la Maison Rouge (Baronial Changeover – Mar 2023)
  • Rowan Perigrynne (Baronial Changeover – Mar 2023)
  • Porzia Vincenzo (Baronial Changeover – Mar 2023)
  • Owen van Noorden (Baronial Changeover – Mar 2023)
  • Isabella de Bordeaux (Baronial Changeover – Mar 2023)
  • Aonghus mac Griogair mhic Raghnaill (Baronial Changeover – Mar 2023)
  • Semeon Aleksandrovich Dragon (Baronial Changeover – Mar 2023)
  • Lianor dos Cavalos (Baronial Changeover – Mar 2023)
  • Anthony of Okewaite (Baronial Changeover – Mar 2023)
  • Crispin Sexi (Baronial Changeover – Mar 2023)
  • Gertrud Rittzenbuttel (Baronial Changeover – Mar 2023)
  • Francois Henri Guyon (Baronial Changeover – Mar 2023)
  • Ysabeau Chanteuse (Baronial Changeover – Mar 2023)
  • Diccon Shorthand (Baronial Changeover – Mar 2023)
  • Ulric of Ambledune (Baronial Changeover – Mar 2023)
  • Ysambart Courtin (Baronial Changeover – Mar 2023)
  • Gwen verch David (Baronial Changeover – Mar 2023)
  • Amanda Martel (Baronial Changeover – Mar 2023)
  • Elizabeth de Foxle (Baronial Changeover – Mar 2023)
  • Magdalena af Husum (Baronial Changeover – Mar 2023)
  • Jón húslangr (Baronial Changeover – Mar 2023)