What do we do?

Members of our Barony are constantly working on any number of interesting projects. A few members have been kind enough to document some of their work online.

Rowantree Workshop.Mistress Rowan is renown within our Barony, and within Lochac for producing both beautiful and historical garments and headwear. Her site has a number of projects and tutorials for those interested in historic garb.
Joan & Crispin’s WebsiteArticles from Master Crispin Sexi and Mistress Joan Sutton on diverse medieval topics.
Food for the FeastRecipes, menus, feasts and more from Master Cristoval and Baroness Alys.
Willow Lucas-Smith’s YoutubeBeautiful Lute compositions and fencing videos from Aliette le Lièvre
Gyda’s sagaAn exploration of Historical Glass Bead Making by Countess Ginevra Lucia Di Namoraza
Simple Crafty LifeA blog by Elanora Rose that documents her various SCA projects among many others, include an amazing hand woven apron dress!