Autumn Crown AS59

Autumn Crown AS59

22 March 2025

This is the Autumn Crown Tourney to select the next King and Queen of Lochac. It’s also a village fair in Okewaite. It’s catered, BYO chair and all water. As the kitchen facilities are very basic, people with allergies are best to go off-board and bring your own food.

The event will have a tavern shed with games, a large marquee for court, a list field and port-a-loos. It will be great if some groups can bring shade pavilions and their tables. Stalls are possible; contact the Steward. Soft drinks will be sold at the tavern (bring gold coins).

There is a dedicated disability port-a-loo and parking area, past the drop off point near the tavern.

Park very tightly please. For those with access issues, you can drive right up to the tavern shed and park nearby.

Camping is possible on Fri and Sat nights, or bring a swag and sleep in the tavern. No special facilities for camper vans, you may be parked some distance from the action.






Quercus Field, Berrima Road, Berrima. Google “Southern Highlands Archery Club” (Okewaite)

22 March 2025

  • 0900 Gate opens.
  • 1000 Armour inspections.
  • 1100 Invocation court
  • 1130+ Tourney, catered lunch by arrangement
  • 1430~ Acclamation, on-field
  • 1500 Fencing activity (TBC)
  • 1600 Investiture court
  • 1800 Catered dinner
  • 1930 Fireside entertainment and chat
  • 2100 Event closes
  • Subject to Their Majesties’ requirements.

  • Adults: $45. Offboard $25.
  • Children <18: $10
  • Non-SCA-members pay +$10 adults or +$5 minors


Close 15/03/2025 if not before. Capped at 180


Steward: Master Cristoval (Rhys Howitt):