Come join in a day of fun and fighting to celebrate the joy of Valentine on Saturday 4th February!

The day will comprise of armoured and fencing tourneys, games, youth activities and arts and sciences competitions! Bring a picnic, shade, games and enjoy a lovely day of friendship and frolicking. Please note: this is not a catered event.
When – Saturday, 4th February 2023. Set up from 10:30am. Tourneys start at 1:00pm
Where – John Knight Memorial Park, Townsend Plc, off Aikman Drv, Belconnen – click for map look for the banners!
Bookings – Please book by clicking here to access the booking form. Although the event is free for members, this will assist with the logistics and non-members who still need to pay the insurance levy ($5/$10)
Arts & Sciences Competition Theme – anything related to martyrdom, a saint, or to the courtly ideals of love – e.g putti, cupid, favours, relics. You can download an entry form from here. Please your have entries submitted to the A&S officer, THL Otto Sex Burger, by 12pm on the day.
Steward – Countess Beatrice Maria Malatesta
What to wear – An attempt at pre-17th century clothing. If you need help with clothing, contact the hospitaller to organise loaner garb.
Please note – Participants are reminded that if they are unwell or showing cold or flu-like symptoms, they must not attend.