Armoured Combat

Also called ‘heavy fighting’, this is exactly what comes to mind when you think of a medieval knight.

Our combatants wear a mixture of chain-mail, leather, and plate armour (according to strict armour standards) and wield non-metal weapons so that our fights can be completely un-choreographed, full speed, and full contact, but still safe. (See Safety) Victories are determined on an honour system, and chivalry is highly valued in our group. To ensure everyone’s safety, all fighters must be authorised as a safe combatant before they take the field outside of training (see our Authorisation Guide), and referees (which we call Marshals) are always on hand to stop a fight in case something goes wrong.

Whether in a one-on-one fight on the tourney field, or as a member of a hundred-strong army in a ‘war‘, the SCA is the safest, most exhilarating way to put yourself in the shoes of a knight in shining armour.

To get involved, contact our Armoured Combat Marshal at, or come along to one of our regular practices. We’re happy to lend you some equipment to give it a try! (And when you’re ready to get your own, check out our guide to Getting Equipped)!

Continual Training:

For 2020 and 2021 we are using continual training. Please attend the regular Sunday training and make yourself known as a candidate to learn!, or email to register interest.

Regular Training

Sundays 3:00pm – 5:30pm

Ainslie Scout Hall, 1 Hassall Street, Ainslie

What to wear:
Comfy clothing, shoes for outdoors.

Check out What does it cost? for more information on the hall fees.

Intermediate Training

Not getting enough combat practice? itching for a little bit more? Come along to the Tuesday intermediate training. Afterwards, have a steak at the nearby tavern.

Tuesdays 6:00pm – 8:00pm

Ainslie Scout Hall, 1 Hassall Street, Ainslie

What to wear:
Appropriate clothing for training.

$6 for the hall hire

Getting Equipped

All Heavy Combat equipment needs to comply with our safety standards (see the Fighters’ Handbook), and we recommend you spend some time using the loaner gear we have available and talking with more experienced fighters before you decide to buy your own.

There are a number of places that sell equipment suited to SCA Heavy Combat, or even designed for SCA Heavy Combat. Some of these are based overseas, but there are also local people making and importing armour and components. There may even be someone in the Barony who has some extra available to sell, so feel free to ask around. The Barony also runs armouring and weapon-making workshops from time to time, and we usually make bulk purchases of supplies when we do to minimise costs for the students. For a brief overview of the types of armour commonly worn and how much they cost, Check Out This Guide. If you want to explore the topic of medieval armour in more detail, have a look at the Armour Archive.

Armour Suppliers

  • Bart Beswick ArmouryBart is a Canberra SCA armourer making everything a armoured combatant could need
  • Iron Monger – US maker of good quality solid helms and excellent prices
  • Aesir Metal Works – maker of some very nice helms. Active Facebook presence
  • Anshelm Arms – US maker of excellent quality gear, with prices to match
  • Windrose Armoury – A wide range of armour and other combat goods
  • Bokalo – Good quality, reasonably priced armour
  • Esford – A Queensland based re-seller of Mostly Indian made items. Some of it is not appropriate for SCA combat
  • Ice Falcon Armour – US maker of mainly stainless steel kit
  • Medieval Fight Club – A huge range of armour, arming doublets and other stuff. Mostly Indian made and some of it not appropriate for SCA combat.
  • Ebonwoulfe Armoury – A range of good quality baskets hilts and other gear.
  • Historic Enterprises – These guys have everything. Expensive but high quality.
  • Make Your Own Medieval – Queensland based importer with range of good quality items such as boots and accessories.
