Spring Crown 2024

When: 7-8th of September 2024

Location: Yass Memorial Hall and Banjo Patterson Park (88 Comur St, Yass, NSW, 2582)

Steward: Isabella de Bordeaux (lynisabella@people.net)

Theme: 16th Century German

Bookings: Available now! Click here.

Early Bird – Until 4th of AugustUntil 1st SeptemberAfter 1st September
Full Event = $55.00
Saturday Full Day= $35.00
Saturday-Tourney only = $15.00
Saturday-Feast only = $30.00
Sunday Full Day = $15.00

Students* and Children aged 16-18
Full Event = $35.00
Saturday Full Day= $25.0
Saturday-Tourney only = $10.00
Saturday-Feast only = $20.00
Sunday Full Day = $10.00
Full Event = $65.00
Saturday Full Day= $45.00
Saturday-Tourney only = $25.00
Saturday-Feast only = $40.00
Sunday Full Day = $25.00

Students* and Children aged 16-18
Full Event = $45.00
Saturday Full Day= $35.0
Saturday-Tourney only = $20.00
Saturday-Feast only = $30.00
Sunday Full Day = $20.00
Full Event = $75.00
Saturday Full Day= $55.00
Saturday-Tourney only = $35.00
Saturday-Feast only = $50.00
Sunday Full Day = $35.00

Students* and Children aged 16-18
Full Event = $55.00
Saturday Full Day= $45.0
Saturday-Tourney only = $30.00
Saturday-Feast only = $40.00
Sunday Full Day = $30.00
* – ID required

All Non-Members must pay and additional fee for Event Insurance – Adults $10 and $5 for Children under 18 years.

Children aged 15 and under are free. This is to allow families to attend the whole event. There is no families cost due to no charge for children under 15.


Saturday the 7th day of September

  • 8am: Set up
  • 9am: Site opens
  • 10am: A&S and WCOB Competition Set Up
  • 11am: Invocation court followed by Crown Tourney (lunch to be served during the Tourney)
  • At completion of Tourney: Announcement of the Heirs
  • 4pm: Feast Hall opens
  • 4:30pm: Peerage Meeting
  • 6pm: First Course
  • 7pm: Court
  • 7:30pm: Second Course
  • 10pm: Lights on
  • 11pm: Site close

Sunday the 8th of September

  • 8am: Set up for Site and Market
  • 9am: Site Opens, Markets Open
  • 9:30am: Peerage Meeting
  • 10:30am: Roses Tournament (Heavy and Rapier)
  • 10:30am: Peerage Meeting
  • 11:30am: Peerage Meeting
  • 12:30pm: Lunch
  • 1:20pm: Closing Court
  • 2pm: Packdown
  • 3pm: Site Closed.

Proposed Stewarding Team:

Deputy Steward/Set up/Pack down: Thegyn Jón húslangr (John Krause)

Feast Steward: Mistress Anne de Tournai (Brigid Costello)

Deputy Feast Steward: Baroness Isabella di Millefiora (Bonita Hanwright)

Bookings: Mistress Ysabeau Chanteuse (Megan Watts)

Armoured Marshal: Sir Aonghus mac Griogair mhic Raghnaill (Nathan Merrit)

Fencing Marshal: Don Lorcán Ruadh (James Angus)

Arts & Sciences: Lady Yrsa in Hárfagra (Kristi Randall)

Herald: Lady Amanda Martel (Amanda Jones)

Lists: Countess Elizabeth de Foxle (Wendy Higgs)

Gate/Constable: Don Diccon Shorthand (Richard Arthur) (assisted by Laird Torcaill)

Chirurgeon: Clara Bone-Aventure (Lara Myxa)

Transport Coordinator: Laird Torcaill mac Leoid mhic Iomhair (Terry Rudd)

Livestream Coordinator: Sir Magnus and Baroness Rowany Julianna

Merchant Co-Ordinator: Master Alex the Potter (Alex de Vos) also tokens