Baronial Arts & Sciences Championship – September Update
With the ongoing difficulties that our citizens have been faced with through 2020, the Pentathlon has, by necessity, been updated in several ways.
Firstly, the overall winner, chosen by myself and the Baron, from feedback to be provided by judges and the populace, will be proclaimed the next Politarchopolis Arts & Sciences Champion.
Secondly, entrants are encouraged to upload images of their entries (and any accompanying documentation) to the Politarchopolis Pentathlon Facebook group at . If you’re not a user of Facebook then please send your entries to or bring your entries to the Sunday gatherings for us to admire and Tig will take photos for you.
Thirdly, entries close 25 November and the judges will provide feedback to all entrants by 30 November and the new Champion will be announced at the Champions event currently being planned for 5 December 2020. There may be date changes but this is the plan as it stands.
One of the strengths of Politarchopolis is the desire of our populace to create, make and learn. Even for the most passionate person, goals can make this easier. With this in mind, I am minded to sponsor a pentathlon, building on the very successful pentathlon run in Politarchopolis, several years ago.
Items created as part of the pentathlon can be used for any other Lochac A&S competitions.
Commencing in July AS 54, the Pentathlon will run from time of announcement to 25 November, 2020
Your Servant,
Baroness Anne, OL

Politarchopolis’ Persona Pentathlon Guide 2019-2020
This Pentathlon requires five (5) separate items that a single person from a single time and place covered by the SCA would have used or owned. Your entry does not have to be your persona, but all five (5) items should be from the same time period and culture for a single individual. Three (3) of your five (5) items must be from different categories from the list of categories: Display, Physical Presence, Personal Adornment, Equipment, and Largesse. There is an optional category Profile, which can also be completed. Be creative and enrich our game with your displays.
Displays will be set up at events, whenever possible and online, to showcase the work of participants. Images of entries should be posted to the online group (as per the September update above. Keep an eye out on Baronial communication channels. Feedback will be based on the Lochac Rubric and provided prior to 5 December 2020.. (
Classes will be held wherever possible, to support the pentathlon. Heraldic consultations are also available for people who wish to register their heraldry as part of this process.
At the end of the Pentathlon, the Baroness and Baron will proclaim the next Baronial Arts & Sciences Champion. Hopefully, this will take place at an event but will certainly be heralded loudly online.
If you are unsure if an item fits a category, please check with the Arts & Sciences Minister and the Baroness.
- Decorative Display: items that are displayed to add beauty, pageantry, status (e.g. Banners, flags, pennants, standards, gonfalons, wall hangings, tent decoration etc.)
- Physical Presence: items that add to a person’s physical presence (e.g. tents, furniture, tent screens etc., napkins, crockery, water bottles)
- Personal Adornment: items that are worn on the body (jewellery, favours, tabards, armour and clothing etc.)
- Equipment: items that are tools related to an activity (such as needle cases, authentic tools, calligraphy materials, etc.)
- Largesse: Items or largesse (gifts) for the Baroness and Baron to re-gift in acknowledgement of good deeds, or you wish to gift to another individual. They should enhance a persona or add to the presence of the barony. (Items in this category that will be gifted to the Barony should be discussed with the Baroness first please.)
- OPTIONAL: Profile. Participants have the option of completing Mistress Marienna Jensdatter’s Persona Questionnaire at the beginner, intermediate or advanced levels to understand the profile of their persona’s life.
It’s not mandatory but if you look at the Lochac Judging Rubric linked to above, you’ll see that providing documentation is an important part of how the judges award points. It is simply a short report that is submitted with each item to give the judges an idea of why you chose that item, how you made it, where you got your information from, materials used etc. To guide you in that process a guideline and template have been specifically created for the Pentathlon. Download the PDF here.
Persona Questionnaire:
Download the Word format document of Mistress Marienna Jensdatter’s Persona Questionnaire. You can then type directly into the document and upload it into the Politarchopolis Pentathlon Facebook Group at or send it to